Unbreaking Media: Presented by The Conversationalist

Episode 6: What We're Watching on TV and Why It Matters, or Doesn't (with Dr. Amy Schiller)

Episode Summary

In today's episode, Anna and Dr. Amy Schiller (@AmyTheSchill) talk all about TV - what they're watching and hate-watching lately, how the types of shows on TV and their own viewing tastes have evolved over time, which of their current or former favorite shows are problematic, and what role TV plays in broader culture. Is television the opiate of the masses? And if it is, is that necessarily a bad thing?

Episode Notes

In today's episode, Anna and Dartmouth political theorist Dr. Amy Schiller (@AmytheSchill) talk all about TV - what they're watching and hate-watching lately, how the types of shows on TV and their own viewing tastes have evolved over time, which of their current or former favorite shows are problematic, and what role TV plays in broader culture. Is television the opiate of the masses? And if it is, is that necessarily a bad thing?

Dr. Schiller is the author of the book "The Price of Humanity," forthcoming in 2023 from Melville House.

Read Dr. Schiller's Conversationalist articles here.

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This podcast was edited by Dan Thorn (@danieljtvthorn).