Unbreaking Media: Presented by The Conversationalist

Ep. 25 - The Conversationalist Relaunches! (w/ Nick Slater)

Episode Summary

The Conversationalist, and Unbreaking Media, have relaunched with a brand-new logo + a renewed commitment to publishing globally-minded, feminist reporting that expands the horizons of what's possible, from the personal to the political. Today, Anna and Conversationalist Director of Content Nick Slater (@nislatr) reintroduce the new Conversationalist site and podcast, and play a few games along the way.

Episode Notes

The Conversationalist, and Unbreaking Media, have relaunched with a brand-new logo + a renewed commitment to publishing globally-minded, feminist reporting that expands the horizons of what's possible, from the personal to the political. Today, Anna and Conversationalist Director of Content Nick Slater (@nislatr) reintroduce the new Conversationalist site and podcast, and play a few games along the way.

Read more transformative and solutions-oriented journalism from the Conversationalist at conversationalist.org, and follow the Conversationalist on Twitter @Convo_ist or Instagram @convo_ist. You can also find us on Facebook at @Convoist—join our private group to build connections that can change your life (and the world) for the better.

This podcast was edited by Dan Thorn (@danieljtvthorn).